School Closure Policy
In the event that school needs to close for any reason, a text message will be sent to all families as early as possible, followed by an e-mail with additional details. Unless you hear otherwise from the school directly, assume that school will be open regardless of the weather.
Here is our official policy on closing school and snow days:
SMO 9-15 Whenever it is feasible, and not hazardous, for Staff to travel to and from the school, school shall be open no matter what the weather.
Parents, or students who are in charge of their own transportation, shall make their own judgments about whether it is safe to travel to school from their homes.
When it is necessary to close the school due to a weather emergency, a message on the school’s business line (line-1) shall be updated to reflect this closure.
The decision to close shall be made by the Attendance Clerk in consultation with the Staff opening the school for the day in question and at least one other Staff scheduled to work in the morning.