Alpine Valley School will be taking a field trip to Skate City in Littleton on Wednesday, October 20th from 11:30 AM to 2:30PM
Cost: $7.50 (includes admission and skate rental)
The cost for the field trip will be charged to the family’s FACTS account as a one-time fee.
Please send cash with your student(s) on the day of the field trip if they want to buy refreshments at the location - there is a snack bar.
A completed permission slip is required for each student attending the field trip (please return to Marc at school or via email at
Permission slips are due no later than end of school on Friday, October 15th.
ALL parents / legal guardians are required to sign the permission slip (there is a place for multiple signatures on page 2)
Students that require a booster / car seat must bring those items with them to school on the day of the field trip (age / height requirements are specified in the permission slip)
Staff Members Katy and Marc will be chaperoning the field trip.
Students going on the field trip must be at school by 11:00 AM on the day of the field trip. Students must bring socks and shoes with them to school in order to participate in the field trip.