About Us
Take a tour of Colorado's first self-directed democratic school without even leaving your couch!
Phone: 303-271-0525
Email: info@alpinevalleyschool.com
4501 Parfet St
Wheat Ridge, CO 80033
Founded in 1997, Alpine Valley School is an independent school following the Sudbury Model. For over 45 years and at a number of schools worldwide, the Sudbury Model of education has helped thousands of children grow into happy, confident, and successful adults by providing them with the freedom and responsibility to take charge of their time and education, at their own pace, focused around their interests.
At Alpine Valley School, we offer a low student-to-staff ratio and flexible attendance. Our students come from all over the Denver Metro area and range in age from 5 to 18.
Alpine Valley School is open Monday through Friday, 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM, and is conveniently located in Wheat Ridge, one mile off the Kipling exit on Interstate 70.